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What do we do?

Acting instead of just talking

Our motto is always action instead of just talking. We live by the motto: NEVER ALONE. Anyone who feels connected to the Christian concept of humanity and wants to help preserve and develop the achievements of this culture and faith will find a home with us. It makes no difference whether you simply want to be a passive supporting member or whether you want to actively participate in our projects. We are open to any form of involvement and welcome all forms of support. Everyone can help, whether on a small or large scale. All the projects we realise are not an end in themselves. We want to solve problems, not manage them! Therefore, the goal is to finish every project or to change it based on new challenges.

Expertise and performance

We attach great importance to experience, performance and qualifications in all our areas.  We reject quotas of any kind. Quality should prevail and, to this end, projects are always critically scrutinised and improvements implemented. We are neither too proud nor too refined to adopt successful methods from other groups or countries or to adapt them to conditions in Germany. Positions and functions within the organisation and the projects are allocated according to competence and not according to quotas or regionality! If you want success, you must always let competence decide.  We want to be know-it-alls and not know-it-alls.  That’s why we believe that anyone who wants to take on management positions must first have knowledge and/or experience in the field. Length of membership does not play a role. Newcomers are therefore always welcome in the projects if they fulfil the above criteria. We are all committed to our convictions and our goals and must put our egos to one side. For this reason, we do not employ long-term students without a degree or “managers” without professional experience. Project management without professional qualifications or experience contradicts our principles and will not exist in this form.


Our projects

ACC always has several projects on offer. Some of these are currently being implemented, while others are planned to the point where they can be realised. We also provide regular support for current challenges, where we help out. Be it financial or material donations for war victims or victims of natural disasters or other strokes of fate. We also work together with other organisations and institutions.  Wir unterstützen die weltweite Vernetzung von Christen und die Unterstützung bedrohter Christen in ihren Ländern. Weiter unterstützen wir durch Projekte das Christentum in seiner aufgeklärten Form gesellschaftlich zu vertreten und zu erweitern.  

Here are a few examples:

1. Integration is emotion

Education sector

2. Creating common roots

Social and emotional integration, environment, love of homeland

3. From person to person

Anti-racism and against police hostility