In a world of division, we want to go in the opposite direction and bring together Christians of all faiths, especially in Germany and the EU, and also promote this outside Europe. We therefore seek dialogue with all Christian denominations and always look for what unites us and do not take part in dogmatic disputes. God’s love and Jesus unites us all, so we adhere to the motto: Many faiths, but one faith!
We support the worldwide networking of Christians and the support of Christians under threat in their countries. We also support projects to represent and expand Christianity in its enlightened form in society.
Our motto is “NEVER ALONE”. This applies on several levels. On the one hand, most of us are active believers without being exceptionally pious. In this understanding, God is always our companion and we are therefore never alone, but we are also there for each other, whether simply as a network, as friends, as partners, as joint project participants, as business partners or in faith. We offer people an emotional home where they can stand up for society, the nation, faith and people. We give meaning through action and support through community. We are the anchor in the storm and the sails on the long journey. Become one and develop your strength in the power of the group.